Today I talk about Osaka culture; especially I would like to talk about Osaka inhabitants of the prefecture’s habits. There are a lot of funny habits and funny cultures in Osaka.
First of all, I would like to tell about Osaka. There are 12,116,540 people in Osaka, and the governor is Mr.Hashimoto. Osaka is very urban city and very characteristic city. By the way, does your city have prefectures habit (県民性)? Prefectures habit(県民性) means the people of a prefecture’s nature, act, habit. Osaka people have many prefectures habits, so I want you to learn about Osaka.
1 Mother of Osaka(大阪のおばちゃん) is the most strongest in the world!?
Do you know about Mother of Osaka? Mother of Osaka is very loud voice and so powerful. Woman of Osaka become mother of Osaka (大阪のおばちゃん).Obachan likes showy clothes, so they wear animal clothes (tiger face or panther etc) .there are many obachan with tiger face in Osaka. Obachan is sure to beat down anywhere anytime. Obachan is stingy person, and they like cheap stuff, so it is religion for them to beat down stuff. There is not the person who can beat obachan in the world!!!
2 When Osaka people hear siren (patrol car, fire engine, ambulance), they are sure to say…….
When Osaka people hear siren (patrol car, fire engine, ambulance), they are sure to say” Patrol car is coming to pick you up!! Of course it is joke and it is very strange for not Osaka people, but we don’t wonder about this situation. It is every incident for us!!
『In the case of the siren of the police car』
Pi~po~pi~po♪(the siren of the police car)
A) Hey you!!!!! Police men are bound to catch you!!! Run away from police!! Good luck.
B) Ok!! See you~!
『In the case of the siren of the fire engine』
Pu~pu~tinn tinn tinn♪(the siren of the fire engine)
A) Hey you!! May be your house is burning now? The fire engine is going toward your home!!
『In the case of the siren of the ambulance』
Pi~po~pi~po♪( the siren of the ambulance)
A) There is a crazy man (=friend) here!! Please take him!!
I think that these are very funny jokes, and” Patrol car is coming to pick you up!!” is
set phrase in Osaka. Osaka people always have a feeling of enjoyment; accordingly
Osaka people always are joking.
3 Osaka people don’t like Tokyo people!?
Somehow, Osaka people don’t like Tokyo people. Tokyo pays no attention to Osaka,
but Osaka people don’t like. For example “Tokyo people aren’t funny and they put on airs.” In the first place Osaka is totally different from Tokyo.
4 Osaka people say 『but I don’t know』in the last of the conversation.
Osaka people say 『but I don’t know(しらんけど)』in the last of the conversation. Osaka people like to chat anytime anywhere. They chat with friends too long, and Osaka people are very kind, so if there is something that you want to know, Osaka people teach it kindly. Bur in the last of the conversation is 『but I don’t know』
For example
A)Do you know when is the examination?
B)Yes, of course!! On March 27th. At AM11:00 room number is 2113,but I don’t know.
A) you don’t know? You said “Yes of course,” don’t you?
B) Yes I know, but I don’t know.
Why Osaka people say “I don’t know.” in the last of conversation? , because they don’t want to have responsible thing, so they explain something for long time, but they said “but I don’t know” in the last of the conversation. But I don’t know….
5 Osaka people score on the contents of conversation of another person .
For example
(They are in school. A is from Osaka. B is not from Osaka.)
A) Hello shohei! How are you?
B) I`m fine thank you. What are you doing now?
A)I`m studying English now. How about you?
B)I`m studying math!! By the way, I have funny story. Do you want to know?
A)yes!! I want to know about this story.
B) when I sneezed yesterday, my one oh my ribs broke in this accident. It is funny story, isn’t it?
A)well…your story marks is thirty out of a hundred. This is not so funny.
Osaka people score on the contents of conversation of another person. Osaka people like to talk, and they are good at talking very well, so they hard on not funny people.
It is important for Osaka people to talk very well, but this is annoying for not Osaka people. I am afraid that they have caused not Osaka people much trouble.
Finally, Osaka and Osaka people are very precious things for me. Takoyaki, Hanshin Tigers, Tuutennkaku, Obachan, Yoshimoto Shinkigeki, comedian, kind person, and funny person. There are a lot of cultures in Osaka. Osaka people have strange customs, but this is exactly Osaka!!